A. 5×5 sumo deadlift
*add weight each set
**last set RPE 10/10
B. 4 rounds of:
200m run
10 bar over burpees
7 shoulder to overhead 60/42,5kg
A. 5×5 sumo deadlift
*add weight each set
**last set RPE 10/10
B. 4 rounds of:
200m run
10 bar over burpees
7 shoulder to overhead 60/42,5kg
In teams of 3 AMRAP 30:
A. 1 rounds of:
1 rope climb
4 burpee box get overs 120/100cm
8 v-ups
B. Machine
C. Rest
A. 5×3 strict chest-to-bar
B. 3x AMRAP 4:
4 rounds of Cindy + remaining time max reps double-unders
*rest 2:00 between amraps
AMRAP 20 minutes:
2 Muscle Ups
4 Handstand Push Ups
8 KB Swings 32/24kg
A. Build to a heavy set:
Squat clean + Front squat + Squat clean + Front squat + Jerk
B. Back squat
Build to a heavy set of 8 @ RPE 8/10
*then 2×8 85-90%
Build to a heavy set of 10 bench press in 15:00
Rest 3:00
AMRAP 20 with partner:
5 synchro strict pull-up
10 synchro push-up
15 synchro air-squat
Rest 5:00
AMRAP 8 with partner:
Meters on any machine
A. 5×5 sumo deadlift
B. With partner for 15 minutes:
12/9 cal row
9 power clean 60/42,5kg
6 bar over burpee
AMRAP back squats 100/70kg