Tietoa Henrik

Kirjoittaja ei ole lisännyt lisätietoja.
Tähän mennessä Henrik on luonut 3589 artikkelia.


|2022-11-04T23:22:19+02:004 marraskuun, 2022|Treenit|

1 round of Mary
1 round of DT
Rest 6:00
2 rounds of:
1:00 wall balls
1:00 SDHP 35/25kg
1:00 box jumps
1:00 push press 35/25kg
1:00 v-ups
1:00 rest
Rest 6:00
2 rounds of:
1:00 wall balls
1:00 SDHP 35/25kg
1:00 box jumps
1:00 push press 35/25kg
1:00 v-ups
1:00 rest


|2022-11-03T23:09:43+02:003 marraskuun, 2022|Treenit|

Back Squat & Strict HSPU
8 sets of:
3 back squats @ Heavy
3 strict HSPU
*rest 2:00 between rounds


|2022-11-02T22:41:00+02:002 marraskuun, 2022|Treenit|

For 40 minutes:
20/16 cal cardio machine
60 plate hops to 10kg
10 no-push-up burpee
20/16 cal cardio machine
20 alt. v-ups
5+5 db snatch + windmill


|2022-11-01T21:35:43+02:001 marraskuun, 2022|Treenit|

A. Bench press
Build to a heavy 5 @ RPE 10/10
*then 2×5 90%

B. 8-8-5-5 Deadlift
Increase weight each set and build to a moderately heavy set
*pause on the floor for each rep


|2022-10-31T23:36:39+02:0031 lokakuun, 2022|Treenit|

A. Hip Thrust
3×10 banded @ RPE 6-7/10

B. 3 rounds of:
50 double-unders
200m run
10 shoulder to overhead 60/42,5kg
-rest 1:00 between rounds


|2022-10-30T21:57:38+02:0030 lokakuun, 2022|Treenit|

A. Low hang power snatch
5×2-3 reps @ RPE 7-8

B. 3 sets, 2:30 on, 1:00 off:
2 rounds of ”Cindy”
Max reps overhead squats in time remaining


|2022-10-28T23:11:10+02:0028 lokakuun, 2022|Treenit|

Amrap 12:
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 air squats
Rest 5:00
Amrap 12:
8 wall balls
12 box over jumps
36 double-unders
Rest 5:00
Amrap 12:
Kettlebell snatch 24/16kg
Burpee over kettlebell