A. EMOM 9:
1-3: 3 hi-hang power snatch 60-65%
4-6: 2 hang power snatch 70-75%
7-9: 1 power snatch 85-90%
B. 8×1:00 on, 1:00 off:
35 double-unders
Max reps air-squats
A. EMOM 9:
1-3: 3 hi-hang power snatch 60-65%
4-6: 2 hang power snatch 70-75%
7-9: 1 power snatch 85-90%
B. 8×1:00 on, 1:00 off:
35 double-unders
Max reps air-squats
10 rounds of:
3 snatches 60/42,5kg
15 wall balls
1 mile run
4 rounds of:
40 sit-ups
5+5 turkish get-up 32/24kg
A. Weighted pull-up
2×3 @ heavy
B. For time:
800m run
4 rounds of Cindy
400m run
3 rounds of Cindy
200m run
2 rounds of Cindy
For 30 minutes, You go, I go:
3 wall walk
6 devils press 2×22,5/15kg
9 cal row
A. Back squat
*build to a heavy single @ RPE 10/10
B. Bench press
Build to a heavy 8
*then 3×8 85%
**1-2s pause at chest
A. Shoulder press
3×10, same weight across, stop at chest
*7,5-8,5/10 RPE, every 3:00
B. 2-2-2-2 minute intervals:
10 burpees
15/12 cal row
AMRAP thrusters 42,5/30kg
*rest 2:00 between intervals
A. Power snatch
Every 90s x 6 sets
3 sets @ RPE 8
1 set @ RPE 8,5
2 sets @ RPE 9
B. For time:
400m run
400m run