Tietoa Henrik

Kirjoittaja ei ole lisännyt lisätietoja.
Tähän mennessä Henrik on luonut 3589 artikkelia.


|2022-06-27T13:20:00+02:0027 kesäkuun, 2022|Treenit|

A. 5 sets, new set every 2:00, build
1 clean pull + 1 low power clean + 1 squat clean + 1 jerk
*start at RPE 6

B. For time:
27 thruster
21 toes-to-bar
200m run
21 thruster
15 pull-up
200m run
15 thruster
9 strict pull-up


|2022-06-22T22:15:42+02:0022 kesäkuun, 2022|Treenit|

A. Handstand walk practice

B. For 30 minutes in teams of 4:
2 at rower
2 at bike
*switch at 15 minutes
-accumulate as many calories as possible as a team. How you do it is up to you!


|2022-06-21T22:48:03+02:0021 kesäkuun, 2022|Treenit|

A. 3×10 strict pull-up @ RPE 8/10

B. In teams of 3:
12x200m run relay
-straight into-
40 synchro push-ups
60 power cleans 60/40kg
80 synchro 1-arm push presses 22,5/15kg


|2022-06-21T06:48:14+02:0021 kesäkuun, 2022|Treenit|

A. Deadlift
Build to a heavy 5 @ RPE 6
*then 2×5 80-85%

B. 3 rounds for time:
10 strict handstand push-ups
15 box over jumps
20 reverse lunges 24/16kg (goblet)


|2022-06-19T22:50:47+02:0019 kesäkuun, 2022|Treenit|

A. Front squat
Build to a heavy 1
*then 2×8 paused front squat RPE 8/10

B. With partner, for time:
100 strict pull-ups
150 sit-ups
100 cal row


|2022-06-17T11:33:39+02:0017 kesäkuun, 2022|Treenit|

A. Power snatch + Overhead squat + Squat snatch
Build to a heavy set in 6 sets
*new set every 1:30

B. AMRAP 15:
5 overhead squats 60/42,5kg
10 toes-to-bars
15 wall balls


|2022-06-17T09:58:59+02:0017 kesäkuun, 2022|Treenit|

A. 3×10 strict pull-up RPE 7/10

B. For time:
400m run
50 ring row
400m run
40 ring row
400m run
30 ring row
400m run
20 ring row
400m run
10 ring row