In teams of 3:
18 rope climbs
800m run as a team
45 clean & jerk 60/42,5kg
600m run as a team
45 thruster 60/42,5kg
400m run as a team
45 squat cleans 60/42,5kg
200m run as a team
9 rope climbs
In teams of 3:
18 rope climbs
800m run as a team
45 clean & jerk 60/42,5kg
600m run as a team
45 thruster 60/42,5kg
400m run as a team
45 squat cleans 60/42,5kg
200m run as a team
9 rope climbs
A. For time:
400m run
10 dumbbell snatch
400m run
20 dumbbell snatch
400m run
30 dumbbell snatch
400m run
40 dumbbell snatch
400m run
50 dumbbell snatch
B. 3 rounds
20 ring rows
10 hamstring walks
With a partner for 40 minutes of:
20m walking lunge 2×22,5/15kg
15 pull-up
10 ring dip
20m walking lunge 2×22,5/15kg
*rotate after full round
For time:
3 rounds
12 deadlift 100/70kg
12 kipping HSPU
-3:00 rest-
3 rounds
8 deadlift 140/100kg
12 kipping HSPU
-3:00 rest-
3 rounds
4 deadlift 160/115kg
6 strict HSPU
A. Build to a heavy 3 squat clean
B. For time:
50-40-30-20-10 wall ball
25-20-15-10-5 toes-to-bar
A. Bench press & push-up
Every 4:00 x 4 sets:
3 bench press + max reps push-ups, RPE 8.5-9.5 for BP
B. 3 rounds for time of:
30 kettlebell swing 24/16 kg
200m run
10 strict pull-up
3 rounds of:
400m run
20 back squats 60/42,5kg
-straight into-
3 rounds of:
400m run
40 air-squats
Tänään lauantaina pieni puoli remontoidaan. Isolla puolella päivän lähdössä on tilaa myös omille treeneille.
Pahoittelut aiheutuvaa häiriötä!