For time:
100 power cleans 60/40kg
100 pull-ups
100 burpees over partner
100 synchro sit-ups
For time:
100 power cleans 60/40kg
100 pull-ups
100 burpees over partner
100 synchro sit-ups
EMOM 40:
1. 15/12 cal machine
2. 2-5 bar muscle-up
3. 15/12 cal machine
4. 14 dumbbell hang clean & jerk 22,5/15kg
5. Rest
A. Back Squat
*build to a heavy 2 @ RPE 9/10
**then 1-2×2 85-90%
B. Good Morning
3×10, RPE 7-8
C. Bulgarian Split Squat
A. 4×10 hang power snatch
*Start light and build to a heavy set of 10
B. 3x AMRAP 3, rest 3:00
10 power snatches 35/25kg
10 box jump overs
30 double-unders
A. 5×3 shoulder press
B. For time:
50 strict pull-up
50 push-up
100m walking lunge
In teams of 3 for 40 minutes
A. 500/400m row
5+5 kettlebell snatch 24/16kg
10 ring dip
10 abmat sit-up
C. Rest
*partner A is the ”timer”
A. Back squat
*build to a heavy 3 @ RPE 10/10
**then 1×3 85-90%
B. For time:
Wall ball