A. 5x 3 power clean + 1 jerk
RPE 7-8/10, no TNG
B. With partner for 12min:
5 deadlift 140/100kg
5 strict HSPU
*You go, I go, alternate after full rounds
A. 5x 3 power clean + 1 jerk
RPE 7-8/10, no TNG
B. With partner for 12min:
5 deadlift 140/100kg
5 strict HSPU
*You go, I go, alternate after full rounds
A. Back squat
Build to a heavy 3 @ RPE 8/10
*then 3×3 85-90%
B. 3 rounds for time:
20 wall ball shots
20 power snatches 35/25kg
A. Ring muscle-up practice
B. AMRAP 10:
10 toes-to-bars
Hang clean & jerk 50/35kg
Open 22.1
3 wall walks
12 dumbbell snatches 22,5/15kg
15 box jump overs
With partner, alternate until both have 3 rounds of:
20/16 cal row
10 bar facing burpee
15/12 cal row
20 thruster 35/25kg
*rest while partner completes their round
A. Power snatch
4×2 @ RPE 8-9/10
1×10 TNG
B. For time:
20 strict hspu
20 box step-up 1×22,5/15kg
40 dumbbell snatch 22,5/15kg
20 box jump
20 push-up
A. Back squat
Heavy 5 @ RPE 10/10
*then 4×5 85-90%
B. Every 4:00 x 3 sets
2 bar muscle-up
20 wall ball shot
10 burpee box jump