A) Good morning
10-12 reps x 4 sets
*every 2:00, RPE 8/10
B) You go, I go for 10 rounds total
15/12 calorie row
3 wall walks
A) Good morning
10-12 reps x 4 sets
*every 2:00, RPE 8/10
B) You go, I go for 10 rounds total
15/12 calorie row
3 wall walks
For time:
50 dumbbell snatches 22,5/15kg
100 double-unders
25m handstand walk
100 double-unders
20 bar muscle-ups
100 double-unders
25m handstand walk
100 double-unders
50 dumbbell overhead squats 22,5/15kg
A) Back squat
3×8 75%/8RM
B) 5 rounds of:
12 deadlift
9 hang power clean
6 shoulder to OH
*0:30 rest between rounds
A) EMOM 10:
1 rep clean & jerk
B) 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
Handstand push-up
A) Sumo deadlift
Build to a heavy 6 in 5 sets, lift every 2:30
B) 2:00 on, 2:00 off x 4
12 thrusters 42,5/30kg
15 burpees
Remaining time amrap chest-to-bar pull-ups
EMOM 40:
1. 45s machine
2. 50m farmer carry
3. 20 L-sit heel over object
4. 45s machine
5. 50m overhead carry
6. 20 bear hug reverse lunge
7. 45s machine
8. 50m front rack carry
9. 10 box step up
10. Rest
50 sdhp 24/16kg
50 box over jump
50 kettlebell swing
50 wall ball
50 ring dip
50 wall ball
50 kettlebell swing
50 box jump over
50 sdhp