A) 6-4-2 deadlift
*add weight each set, lift every 2:00
B) For time:
Wall walk
Abmat sit-up
A) 6-4-2 deadlift
*add weight each set, lift every 2:00
B) For time:
Wall walk
Abmat sit-up
A) Build to heavy 5 paused back squat in 10:00(21X1 tempo)
*then 2×5 every 2:30(20X1 tempo)
B) Amrap 10:00
Devils press
*10 box jump overs after each set
-5:00 rest-
Amrap 5:00
Burpee box jump overs
*10 dumbbell snatches after each set
A) 4 rounds
15 dumbbell bench press
15 gorilla row
20 steps walking lunge
B) 4 rounds
15 push-ups
15 ring rows
20 alternating v-ups
With partner for 10 rounds total:
10 burbee box get overs
30 abmat sit-ups
40 russian kb swings
50 air squats
For time:
90 wall balls
30 toes-to-bars
30 chest-to-bars
30 deadlifts 140/100kg
EMOM 40:
1. Row 16/13 cal or bike/ski 14/11 cal
2. 50 double-unders
3. Bike/ski 14/11 cal or row 16/13 cal
4. 10 burpees to bar
A) Paused back squat
7 reps x 3 sets @ 22X1 tempo
*Rest 2:00 between sets
**RPE 7-8/10
B) Amrap 3:00
3 power cleans 80/60kg
3 wall walks
-3:00 rest-
Amrap 3:00
6 power cleans 70/47,5kg
3 wall walks
-3:00 rest-
Amrap 3:00
9 power cleans 52,5/35kg
3 wall walks