A) 4 rounds
8 push presses
10 diamond push-ups
12 paused goblet squats 32/24kg
B) 4 rounds
8 strict pull-ups
10 ring rows
30s top of hip extension hold
A) 4 rounds
8 push presses
10 diamond push-ups
12 paused goblet squats 32/24kg
B) 4 rounds
8 strict pull-ups
10 ring rows
30s top of hip extension hold
A) every 90s x 7 sets
1 snatch pull + 1 hang squat snatch + 2 overhead squats
B) 5 reps x 3 sets snatch pull
*from 5cm deficit
C) 5 reps x 3 sets, behind the neck snatch grip shoulder press
A) 3×20 barbell reverse lunge
*front foot elevated
B) EMOM 18:
1. 16/13 cal row
2. 15 pull-ups
3. 1 round of ”Macho Man” 70/47,5kg
A) build to a heavy single close grip bench press
B) amrap 15:
5 handstand push-ups
10 wall balls
15 kettlebell swings 32/24kg
A) 6 reps x 4 reps paused back squat
*tempo 22X1 @ 7-8/10 RPE
B) 30-20-10
Sumo deadlift high pull
-3:00 rest-
2 rounds
15 sumo deadlift high pulls
15 toes-to-bars
A) 5 rounds with partner:
10 shoulder press
15 romanian deadlift
B) 5 rounds with partner:
10 strict pull-up
10 paused goblet squat 32/24kg
C) 3 rounds of:
30 hanging flutter kick
20 alternating v-up
A) EMOM 10:
3 power clean & jerk (TNG)
*RPE 7-8/10
B) EMOM 15:
1. 15/12 calorie row
2. 30s db/kb front rack walking lunge
3. Rest