A. Back Squat
Build to a heavy single @ RPE 10/10
B. For time:
30 power clean & jerks 75/52,5kg
A. Back Squat
Build to a heavy single @ RPE 10/10
B. For time:
30 power clean & jerks 75/52,5kg
Partner A max reps bench press 50/35kg
Partner B max reps wall walk
-2:00-3:00 rest-
Partner B max reps bench press 50/35kg
Partner A max reps wall walk
-5:00-6:00 rest-
3 rounds for time:
20 dumbbell snatches 22,5/15kg
60 double-unders
10 synchro devils press
A. Bench Press
Rest 2:00 between sets
B. For time:
Front squat 60/42,5kg
40 minutes with partner:
Row 2:00 on, 2:00 off for max distance
A. Weighted pull-up
1RM + 2x amrap bodyweight
B. EMOM 12:
1: 7 thruster 52,5/35kg
2: 1-2 rope climb
A. Clean & Jerk
Build to 1RM
B. Back squat
Build to a heavy single RPE 9/10
+2×3 paused back squat
3 person team WOD:
Max reps devils press in 5 minutes
Row 200 calories
Everytime you exit rower perform 7 hang squat cleans
Everyone completes 3 rounds of:
10 dumbbell bench press 2×22,5/15kg
20 abmat sit-ups
*switch after full rounds, only one person performs at a time