A. Weighted pull-up 1RM + 2x amrap bodyweight B. EMOM 12: 1: 7 thruster 52,5/35kg 2: 1-2 rope climb
A. Clean & Jerk Build to 1RM B. Back squat Build to a heavy single RPE 9/10 +2x3 paused back squat
3 person team WOD: Max reps devils press in 5 minutes -2x22,5/15kg + Row 200 calories Everytime you exit rower perform 7 hang squat cleans -52,5/35kg + Everyone completes 3 rounds of: 10 dumbbell bench [...]
A. Bench press 10-10-10-8 Rest 2:00 between sets B. For time: 2 rounds 40 wall balls 30 pull-ups 200m run
For 40 minutes: 800m run/1000m row/2000m bike 1 rope climb 20 abmat sit-ups
A. Hip Thrust 3x 6-10 Rest 2-3min between B. AMRAP 15: 400m run 10 shoulder to overheads 10 deadlifts -52,5/35kg
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