

With a partner for 45 minutes A. 400m jog B. 0:30 plank hold 10 down and ups Remaining time crossovers


A. 3x10 Romanian deadlift B. For time: 400m run 12 ring muscle-up 9 power snatch 60/42,5kg 60 wall ball 9 power snatch 60/42,5kg 12 ring muscle-up 400m run


A. Kipping handstand push-up practice B. AMRAP 9: 12 overhead squat 42,5/30kg 9 bar over burpee 28 double-under


A. Squat snatch Every 90s x 10 sets 1 rep 80-90% B. Back squat Build to a heavy 5 @ RPE 8/10 +3x5 85-90%


MegaWOD For time: 1600m run 30 clean & jerks 60/42,5kg 1200m run 50 pull-ups 50 push-ups 800m run 30 front squats 60/42,5kg 400m run 50 air-squats 200m run


A. Shoulder press Build to a heavy 3 + 2x3 90% B. AMRAP 10: 10 deadlifts 100/70kg 10 toes-to-bars 10 handstand push-ups

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