With partner for 50 minutes: A. 800m run B. Row
A. 3x12 Romanian Deadlift B. With partner 21-15-9-15-21: Bench Press 70/47,5kg Toes-To-Bar
A. Kipping handstand push-up practice B. 2-2-2-3 minute intervals 2 rope climbs 10 hang power cleans 60/42,5kg Max reps wall walks remaining time *rest 2:00
A. Build to a heavy set: Squat clean + Hang squat clean + Front squat + Squat clean + Jerk B. Back Squat Build to a heavy set of 8 @ RPE 10/10 *then 2x8 [...]
WODliiga huhtikuu: 0:00-11:00 "All the single ladies" 5 rounds for time: 50 single under (molemmat) 10 clean (jakakaa vapaasti) 1min rest (joka kierroksella) -Time cap 11min 11:00-15:00 Find a 1RM clean (yhteenlaskettu)
A. Build to a heavy 5 shoulder press *then 2x5 90% B. AMRAP 20: 15 deadlifts 85/60kg 15 push-ups 400m run
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