A. 3x15 romanian deadlift B. For time: 1 mile run 60 wall balls 40 kettlebell swings 32/24kg
A. Kipping handstand push-up practice B. 2-2-2-3 minute intervals 10 chest-to-bars 50 double-unders Max reps shoulder to overhead 70/47,5kg *rest 1:00 between
A. Build to a heavy set in 10 sets, lift every 90s Power snatch + Hang power snatch + Squat snatch B. Back squat Build to a heavy set of 8 @ RPE 9/10 *then [...]
"Whitten" 22 kettlebell swings 32/24kg 22 box jumps 400m run 22 burpees 22 wall balls
A. 5x5 sumo deadlift *add weight each set **last set RPE 10/10 B. 4 rounds of: 200m run 10 bar over burpees 7 shoulder to overhead 60/42,5kg
In teams of 3 AMRAP 30: A. 1 rounds of: 1 rope climb 4 burpee box get overs 120/100cm 8 v-ups B. Machine C. Rest
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