

A. 5x3 strict chest-to-bar B. 3x AMRAP 4: 4 rounds of Cindy + remaining time max reps double-unders *rest 2:00 between amraps


"Nate" AMRAP 20 minutes: 2 Muscle Ups 4 Handstand Push Ups 8 KB Swings 32/24kg


A. Build to a heavy set: Squat clean + Front squat + Squat clean + Front squat + Jerk B. Back squat Build to a heavy set of 8 @ RPE 8/10 *then 2x8 85-90%


MegaWOD: Build to a heavy set of 10 bench press in 15:00 + Rest 3:00 + AMRAP 20 with partner: 5 synchro strict pull-up 10 synchro push-up 15 synchro air-squat + Rest 5:00 + AMRAP [...]


A. 5x5 sumo deadlift B. With partner for 15 minutes: A: 12/9 cal row 9 power clean 60/42,5kg 6 bar over burpee B: AMRAP back squats 100/70kg


EMOM 16: 1. 15/12 cal row 2. 30s crossover + Rest 3:00 + EMOM 16: 1. 45s shuttle run 10m+10m 2. 3 wall walks

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