A. 3x3 strict chest-to-bar pull-up B. AMRAP 20: 100 double-under 30 push-up 30 kettlebell swing 24/16kg
5 rounds 4 ring muscle-up 12 box over jump 75/60cm
A. Build to a heavy set of: 1 Squat clean + 2 Front squats + 1 Squat clean + 1 Jerk B. For time: 30-20-10 Burpee pull-up 15-10-5 Power clean 70/47,5kg
WODliiga: "Fran - Narf " For time : 21-15-9 Thrusters 42,5/30kg Pull-ups + rest 1 minute + 9-15-21 Pull-ups Thrusters 42,5/30kg
A. 5x5 Sumo Deadlift B. You go, I go 5 rounds for each: 5 wall walk 5 power clean 100/70kg *rotate after full round
EMOM 24: 1. 15/12 cal row 2. 15 ring row 3. 14/11 cal ski/bike 4. 15 kettlebell swing 24/16kg + Rest 4:00 + AMRAP 6: 1-2-3-4-5-6..etc. Strict handstand push-up 20 Steps walking lunge after each [...]
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