

A. Shoulder press Build to a heavy 5 @ RPE 10 *then 3x5 85-90% B. For time with partner: 100 ring rows 100 steps walking lunge 22,5/15kg 100 v-ups 100 calorie row


A. Handstand walk practice B. AMRAP 15: 9 handstand push-ups 12 box step overs 15m handstand walk


A. EMOM 9: 1. 3 hi-hang squat snatches 2. 2 hang squat snatches 3. 1 squat snatch B. 3 rounds for time: 50 double-unders 15 burpees over dumbbell 20 dumbbell snatches -22,5/15kg


AMRAP 12: 3 wall walks 6 power clean & jerks 60/42,5kg 9 air squats + Rest 4:00 + AMRAP 12: 2 rope climbs 8 medicine ball cleans 16 abmat sit-ups + Rest 4:00 + AMRAP [...]


A. 5-5-3-3 Snatch balance B. 4 rounds 12 hang power snatch 42,5/30kg 24 wall balls


EMOM 24: 1. 1-2 Rope climbs 2. 40-60 Double-unders 3. 12 Dumbbell snatches 22,5/15kg 4-6. Row for calories

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