

A. EMOM 9: 1. 3 hang power snatch RPE 6 2. 2 hang power snatch RPE 7 3. 1 power snatch RPE 8 B. 3 rounds of: 20 toes-to-bars 20 dumbbell snatches 22,5/15kg 100 double-unders


A. Power clean + power jerk 1x 1+2 60% 1x 1+2 65% 1x 1+2 70% 1x 1+2 75% 1x 1+2 80% 1x 1+2 70% B. For time: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Thruster 2x Abmat sit-up


A. Bar muscle-up practice B. 3 rounds of: 20 burpees to target 10 ring muscle-ups 20 kettlebell swings 32/24kg


A. Front squat Build to a heavy 5 @ RPE 9 *then 3x5 85-90% B. Dual kb front rack reverse lunge 2x 12+12 C. Weighted sit-up 3x 10-15


A. Handstand push-up practice B. 2-2-2-2 minute intervals: 15 deadlifts 100/70kg 15/12 cal row Max reps chest-to-bars time remaining -2:00 rest between


A. Squat snatch 1x3 70% 1x2 75% 1x2 77% 1x2 80% 1x1 85% 1x2 87% 1x3 70% B. 3 rounds for time: 50 double-unders 15 hang power snatches 42,5/30kg 10 bar over burpees

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