A. Deadlift Build to a heavy 3 @ RPE 8 B. "The Don" For time: 66 deadlifts 52,5/35kg 66 box jumps 66 kettlebell swings 24/16kg 66 knees-to-elbows 66 sit-ups 66 pull-ups 66 thrusters 25/15kg 66 [...]
A. Squat clean & jerk EMOM 8: 1+1 75-80% B. 21-15-9 for time: Power clean 60/42,5kg Toes-to-bar
A. Bar muscle-up practice B. EMOM 25: 1. Row 2. No push-up burpee 3. 1-arm farmer carry R 4. 1-arm farmer carry L 5. Single-under
A. Front squat Build to a heavy 5 @ RPE 7 *then 3x5 85-90% B. Dual Kettlebell Front Rack Reverse Lunge 2x 8+8 C. EMOM 12: 1. 30s hollow hold 2. 30s arch hold 3. [...]
A. Power snatch EMOM 7: 1. 2 reps 2. 2 reps 3-7. 1 rep B. EMOM 16: 1. 15/12 cal row 2. 10 strict pull-ups 3. 10 burpees 4. 20 alt. v-ups
PikkujouluWOD In teams of 4: #1 In 5 minutes accumulate the highest total kilograms lifted as possible #2 20min amrap calorie row 1 person rows, 1 person performs movements given below, 1 holds plank hold [...]
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