

MegaWOD AMRAP 12: 1 ring muscle-up 3 handstand push-ups 6 kettlebell swings 32/24kg + Rest 4:00 + AMRAP 12: 12 wall balls 12 dumbbell snatches 22,5/15kg 12 pull-ups + Rest 4:00 + AMRAP 12: 200m [...]


A. Power Clean and Power Jerk EMOM 10: 1+1 85-90% B. 3 sets of: 3 squat cleans 100/70kg 6 deadlifts 100/70kg 9 bar over burpees 12 wall balls 15 push-ups 200m run Rest 2:00 between [...]


Easy 45 minutes: 400m jog 1:00 wall sit 20 alt. v-ups 400m jog 1:00 plank hold 30m+30m single arm farmer carry


A. T2B practice B. AMRAP 10: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7.... Strict handstand push-up 2-4-6-8-10-12-14.. Toes-to-bar


A. Low Hang Squat Snatch Every 2:00, 3 reps x 5 sets B. Deadlift Build to a heavy 4 @ RPE 10/10 C. Romanian Deadlift 3x8, RPE 7/10


A. Bench Press 6-3-1-1 B. AMRAP 3: 21 power cleans 15 power snatches 9 shoulder to overheads Max reps OHS time remaining + Rest 3:00 + 800m run

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