A. 3 sets of:
10 Z-press
10 Strict pull-up
Rest 2:00 between sets
B. 3 rounds for time:
10 hang squat snatches 52,5/35kg
15 front squats
A. 3 sets of:
10 Z-press
10 Strict pull-up
Rest 2:00 between sets
B. 3 rounds for time:
10 hang squat snatches 52,5/35kg
15 front squats
A. Squat Snatch
Build to a heavy single
B. Snatch Deadlift
A. Back Squat
3×1 90-95%
B. AMRAP 15:
5 pull-ups
10 wall balls
15 push-ups
Easy 45 minutes
In teams of 3:
500/400m row
Alternate between
a. 30s L-sit on rings
b. 30s L-hang
100 single-unders
Remaining time:
Box step overs 50cm
Every 8:00 x 4 sets
21 cal row
15 thrusters 42,5/30kg
9 bar facing burpee
A. Handstand walk practice
B. Shoulder Press
Build to a heavy 2 in 10 minutes
C. For time:
40 Burpee Pull-Ups
*EMOM: complete 16 jumping lunges
A. Build to a heavy single
Squat Snatch
B. 6-6-3-3 every 3:00
Snatch Deadlift