EMOM 40:
1. 15/12 cal row
2. 10 toes-to-bars
3. 14/11 cal bike/ski
4. 10 thrusters 35/25kg
EMOM 40:
1. 15/12 cal row
2. 10 toes-to-bars
3. 14/11 cal bike/ski
4. 10 thrusters 35/25kg
A. Push Press
Build to a heavy 5
Then 2×5 80-85%
B. With partner, You go, I go for 20 minutes of:
3 high box jumps
10 deadlifts 120/80kg
5 wall walks
A. Handstand walk practice
B. EMOM 15:
1. 15 UB wall balls
2. 10 Burpees
3. 0:30 Bike/Ski
A. Clean & Jerk
1 squat clean + 1 front squat + 2 jerk
Build to a heavy but not maximal set
B. AMRAP 10:
5 chest-to-bars
10 single arm alt. devils press
15 goblet squats
2 ring muscle-ups
8 db hang clean & jerk 22,5/15kg
20 sit-ups
5:00 rest
Wall walk
Thruster 60/42,5kg
*after each round 30 double-unders
A. 3 sets at heavy weight of:
5 front squat + 10 back squat
B. For time:
Deadlift 85/60kg
Box jump over 60/50cm
EMOM 40:
1. 15/12 cal row
2. 10 chest-to-bars
3. 14/11 cal bike/ski
4. 8 burpee box jump overs 60/50cm