A. Deadlift
Build to a heavy 5 @ RPE 10/10
B. Hip thrust
2×10 band around knees
C. Bulgarian split squat
2×8+8 farmer hold @ HEAVY
A. Deadlift
Build to a heavy 5 @ RPE 10/10
B. Hip thrust
2×10 band around knees
C. Bulgarian split squat
2×8+8 farmer hold @ HEAVY
A. Bench Press
Build to a heavy 1 in 4 sets
*1-2s pause @ chest
*after each set 10-15 reverse fly
B. 2-2-2-2 minute intervals:
10 pull-ups
15/12 cal row
Max reps thrusters 52,5/35kg
-Rest 2:00 between
A. Front squat
1×5 60%
1×5 65%
1×5 70%
1×5 75%
B. 4×2:30 on, 1:30 off:
75 double-unders
10 burpee box jump overs
Max distance handstand walk
”Code 2 off duty”
4 deadlifts 140/100kg
8 bar over burpees
16 handstand push-ups
Rest 1:00
3 front squats 100/70kg
6 push-ups
9 wall balls
Rest 1:00
9 air squats
6 power cleans 60/42,5kg
3 shoulder to overheads 60/42,5kg
15 thrusters 42,5/30kg
15 pull-ups
A. Back squat
8-6-4-2, squat every 3:00
B. 10 rounds of:
8 ground to overhead 42,5/30kg
10 bar facing burpee
A. Ring muscle-up practice
B. Echo/Assault bike
30s sprint x 4 sets
-Rest 4:00 between
A. Deadlift
Build to a heavy 5 @ RPE 9/10
B. Hip thrust
2×10 band around knees
C. Bulgarian split squat
2x 8+8 farmer hold, Heavy!