For 40 minutes:
2:00 machine
1:00 ring plank hold
1:00 1-arm farmer carry R
2:00 machine
1:00 turkish get-up
1:00 1-arm farmer carry L
For 40 minutes:
2:00 machine
1:00 ring plank hold
1:00 1-arm farmer carry R
2:00 machine
1:00 turkish get-up
1:00 1-arm farmer carry L
A. Back squat
*build to a heavy single @ RPE 7/10
**then 2×3 90%
B. Zombie squat
2×8 @ RPE 7/10, 3111 tempo
C. Squat stance good morning
2×15 reps @ RPE 7/10
A. Deficit push-up
*Build to heavy 2×5
B. 3 rounds of:
400m run
25 jumping air squat
20 push-up
A. Power clean & jerk
7×2, every 90s
*build something heavy for the day
B. For time:
15-12-9 burpee box jump
5-5-5 power clean 85/60kg
600m run
5 strict pull-up
3 heavy shoulder press
1 rope climb
3 push press
10 ring row
Rest 5:00
750m row
10 toes-to-rings
10 push-up
10 v-up
A. Paused sumo deadlift
4×8 RPE 7-8/10
*pause 1-2s just below knees
B. With partner:
3 rounds
400m run together
20 synchro kettlebell swings
20 pull-ups (total)
In teams of 3 perform following:
10k row
A. Rows
B. Holds a wall-sit
C. Rest