A. 3×6 paused front squat RPE 6
B. For time:
20 1-arm devils press
200m run
16 1-arm devils press
200m run
12 1-arm devils press
200m run
8 1-arm devils press
200m run
4 1-arm devils press
A. 3×6 paused front squat RPE 6
B. For time:
20 1-arm devils press
200m run
16 1-arm devils press
200m run
12 1-arm devils press
200m run
8 1-arm devils press
200m run
4 1-arm devils press
A. Strict HSPU & Strict Pull-up
Build to a heavy 5 strict hspu in 4 sets
-perform 5 strict pull-ups after each set
10 toes-to-bar
10 squat clean 60/42,5kg
Rest 2:00
10 toes-to-bar
6 squat clean 80/60kg
A. 3×10 strict pull-up @ RPE 9/10
B. In teams of 3:
12 rope climbs
36 squat snatches
108 burpees
36 squat snatches
12 rope climbs
A. Deadlift
*build to a heavy 5 @ RPE 7
**then 2×5 80-85%
B. 2-2-2-3 minute intervals
15/12 cal row
7 clean & jerk 52,5/35kg
AMRAP toes-to-bar
-Rest 2:00 between intervals
200m run
2 rounds of:
5 pull-up
10 push-up
15 wall ball
A. Front squat
Build to a heavy 1
*then 2×8 paused front squat RPE 9
B. For time:
50 deadlifts 80/60kg
40 double-unders
30 box jump overs
20m handstand walk
100 abmat sit-ups
20m handstand walk
30 box jump overs
40 double-unders
50 deadlifts 60/40kg
A. Floor press & Pull-up
Build to a heavy 4 floor press in 4 sets
*perform 4 strict pull-ups after each set
B. With partner:
800m run together
42 dumbbell bench press
42 synchro air-squat
30 dumbbell bench press
60 synchro air-squat
18 dumbbell bench press
72 synchro air-squat
400m run together